The world is mourning the death of United Kingdom (UK) Queen Elizabeth ll. From Wales to Scotland to Northern Ireland to England , the union jack is raised half mast. Thousands of Britons are lining along the roads to bid farewell to her. Others are peservering long queues to bid her farewell where she is lying in state at Westminster. In many commonwealth nations , mourning is still taking place especially in Countries where the Queen was their Head of State. That is Canada , Barbados , Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago , New Zealand , Australia etc. In Africa , Kenya is not left behind. There is a close knighted relationship between the late Queen Elizabeth ll and this place especially in the slopes of Mt Kenya region. More specifically , Nyeri County. It is history that has elicited mixed reactions. The Queen Elizabeth ll learnt about the death of his father while he was in a vacation in Kenya in 1953. That moment , colonial Governor Evelyn Baring had just declared a state of emergency.
The hunt for the Mau Mau fighters was at the top gear and Elizabeth visiting Kenya and heading to Nyeri County where , Mau Mau generals like itote and Dedan Kimathi were baying for blood from British soldiers, administrators and settlers was top notch. At treetops , that's where the young Elizabeth was holed. The place wasn't safe with her and coincidentally , the father died and she was to cut short her stay in Nyeri where she was enjoying the fruits of colonialism and go back to UK where she was coronated as the Queen Elizabeth ll. By the time she was coming back to Kenya , she was now the Queen. This time , wielding more Colonial powers. To the remains of the Mau Mau heroes and heroines , they aren't mourning her using kind words. Fact!!! They are even irked by the government of Kenya to declare days of mourning. To them , that's an insult to them and their departed heroes. The fact is , the British occupation in Kenya as documented by historical authors such as Charles Hornsby and Caroline Elkins isn't that good. The horrendous and atrocious videos that surface from our national archives aren't that good. Those of us wh weren't there during those days , from those historical films , we get to understand that colonialism wasn't some to talk about. It was genocidal type of human cleansing because of greed and White supremacism.
The British Gulag cleansed almost 1 million Kenyans during the entire British occupation in Kenya from the time Kenya was declared British protectorate to December, 1963. Majority of the residents especially in Mt Kenya region lost their lives , treated to forced labor and punitive and exploitative hut and poll taxes , creation of inhumane concentration camps and reserves and annexation of their fertile land. Restriction of movement especially in Nairobi and those who beared the heaviest blunt were the Kikuyus. The British was in a mission to exterminate and obliterate Kikuyus entirely not only in Mt Kenya region but also in Kenya. They viewed them as an ethnic community that was a thorn to their stay in this Heaven called Kenya and especially the White Highlands. It was their Canaan because, milk and honey was in plenty. After using psychological weapon in this region by the name religion , the Kikuyus were still hardened. When this religion had successfully be used to pacify other communities especially in Ukambani , Rift Valley and Western Kenya and parys of Nyanza regions , in Mt Kenya region , even after the missionaries camping there and building more Churches and schools to use them as carrots towards the Agikuyu , the residents became even more hostile. The Mau Mau uprising became even more lethal and dreaded.
When all this atrocities were being metted on kenyans especially in Mt Kenya region where the height of British Gulag was registered , the late Queen Elizabeth ll was still at the helm. She was getting briefings from the Colonial Governor and the colonial secretary back in London. Even before her demise , there is no point in time when she apologized for the atrocities she conducted to the people of Kenya during the British occupation of Kenya. There are those British Gulag survivors who harbour scars to remind them of the brutal acts they went through. Till today , the head of Nandi hero Koitalel Arap Samoei has never been discovered. He was killed in cold blood by a British soldier Richard. The other Mau Mau generals like Ihura , china Itote , Kago etc died while defending their land from being annexed forcefully by the British. They died from the bullets and died firmly holding the soil. This is the history the millineals should get to learn. They should understand fully Kenya's history. Yes!! Unrefined and bare knuckle one. Before we join the rest of the World in sending those condolence messages , we must know why we are doing so and for what significance.
In South Africa , Ghana and Nigeria , our brothers and sisters there have been showing mixed reactions. Those in the political circles and academia especially literatis have not been expressing kind words towards the royal family. In South Africa , the EFF leader Julius Malema decided to shun hypocrisy abd speak his heart out. He said he won't mourn the death of the British Queen and gave the reasons. Reasons that reflects the historical relationship between South Africa and the British. It wasn't that good and to date, most of the political , social and economic ramifications that Country is facing stems from British. Fact!! The York of colonialism is still affecting the political ruling class in that Black , white dominated nation.
Back in Kenya , the remains of the Mau Mau Mau uprising , matigari ma ngirūngà ( remains of British bullets) , having nothing to celebrate from the death of the Queen. She didn't in a genuine manner not even attempting to tender an apology to them and their future generations. She assumed all was fine and she was trying hard for British authors like Caroline Elkins not to pen the atrocities their mother Nation metted on kenyans. We cannot photoshop history and it is time when as by our children who was Queen Elizabeth ll , we tell them the truth without sugar coating anything. When he arrives in Heaven , she won't have a cost stay there because , Kimathi , Itote , China , Muthoni Nyanjiru , Harry Thuku et al will be waiting for her. She stayed long before arriving there but finally , she has and serious talks will take place.
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