As we speak now , there is hue and cry in mt Kenya region. The fight against the second generation liquors is in top gear. The who National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) have traded all their energies and attention towards the fight against this liquors. But what they are forgetting is , there is another serious problem and enemy who have invaded all the homesteads , farms , markets , shopping centres, tea buying centres and even churches. Entertainment and eatery joints too haven't been spared by this enemy. The enemy here is non other but this gambling lotteries which are being conducted by our vernacular station stations. I ain't here to attack them but to speak out the enemy within us. The second generation liquors is our enemy number two and not number one as many in this region have been made to believe.

It has come to the attention of many people in this region that , our parents are the ones who are now notoriously addicted to this betting lotteries which I believe no vernacular radio in Mt Kenya isn't conducting them. They go by the funny names of "kuza biz" , "pigwa jeki" etc and out mothers have now been enslaved. They memorize the paybill numbers of this games more than they memorize their phone numbers and ID numbers. Over and over , you will see them in the MPESA outlets loading their online wallets so that they try their luck. This vernacular radio stations have perfected the art of luring their listeners by playing audio clips of those who have win this monies. They attach spirituality in it. They invoke the name of God when those who have won are reached through their phones to be informed they have won. To many in this region, they see this as a generosity from this radio stations but what they forget , this stations are in serious business where they mint millions of shillings from you. You go for casual labour. You earn sh 300 and them rush to the MPESA shop to deposit sh 100 and send it to pigwa jeki or kuza biz so that you get sh 300K or sh 1 M. The probability of winning this monies is very low. How the winners are identified, this stations don't invite you to get this information or tell you on air how they have arrived to this winners. That's how the cycle of poverty is being blended and mutated in this Mt Kenya region. You find a home where , the wife is addicted to this gambling shows and the husband is a slave of second generation liquors. How do you think that family looks like? What's the fate of the children?

It is becoming nauseating and irritating to listen to the programmes in this vernacular radio stations. You think listening to a gospel show will do you favour. Waaapi!! For the 2 hours it will be airing , three quarters of it will be running gambling adverts. You wonder where are we headed. The GEMA nation is being finished not by outsiders but insiders. The enemy is within. If you don't survive this addictive radio gambling menace , the killer second generation liquors are waiting for you. Drought and famine is slowly creeping in. Land buying cons are somewhere in the open field waiting for you to sell you hot air in the name of land. Who aides this wash wash land companies, it is this very vernacular media stations. They don't do any background check to verify this land buying companies advertising with them are genuine or fake. To them , they are only after the hundred of thousands they will be paid as advertisment fee. They don't protect their listeners. They don't care. The little coins left for their listeners after being swindled by this land companies, they go after them in the name of uplifting their businesses and hustlers through trial and error gambling games.

It is cognizance to note that this gambling and betting lotteries are licensed by the Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB) and are guided by the Betting, gaming and lotteries act. They have fully complied to them but what is becoming a problem is the frequency of their advertisments inorder to lure their listeners to this psychological problem. They always run the paybill numbers with a frequency that is deafening. A lady used to wire monies to her mother in the upcountry. Her mother was addicted to this gambling. She will squander all the monies sent to her by her daughter for upkeep. It is this woman's friend who hinted to her daughter that , the mother is addicted to this gambling ran by vernacular radio stations. The woman confessed to have used sh 600 per day on betting since the minimum amount is sh 100 per stake. This is just an example I am giving. The situation out here is very dire. Extremely very dire. The enemy who masquerades to be pushing fir the interests of the Mt Kenya region is now the one turning against them. We know that the business environment out here has been tough. Most companies and industries which used to advertise in this vernacular radio stations have resulted to other media. They have resulted to creating Facebook pages to advertise their products and also pay social media influencers to do bidding for them. This has rendered this radio stations with no other means of income.  The quickest one and safe is conducting gambling shows under the guise of "helping" the business people and residents of Mt Kenya region. 

So , before you categorize the second generation liquors as our number one and notorious enemies as a community, just remember your favourite vernacular radio station is after that coin in your pocket. Gambling is addictive. It is a behavioral disease and once it enters you , there is no methadone to cure its addiction. Most youths don't listen to listen to this vernacular radio stations. They are busy in Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook. Our parents are the ones who are glued to this radio stations. That's why , those who are purported to win this collosal sums of monies from this gambling are elders. No youths. Have you ever asked yourself why? I pity to our people. They are put in a hole they will take time to come out. Their families will continue being holrd in poverty. They will continue engaging in a vicious cycle where , before they plan to do anything constructive economically, the first thing that comes to their mind is GAMBLING. SAD!!!!


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