K enya is a democracy and as such , we have come a long way to be where we are. In the larger East Africa region , Kenya is the only country that can give the best definition of the word democracy. The rest of its counterparts are military, autocratic and authoritarian regimes. Some are in the hands of military leadership like Rwanda and Burundi, others are in a pseudo democratic leadership like Tanzania and others are in the hands of authoritarian, despotic and dictatorial gerontocrats who believes that , unless the law of natural attrition knocks at their doorsteps , they will still hold on to power. To them , the word democracy is foreign concept and an understatement. They only organize for elections for cover up. Only a senile and nitwit brain can stand up to cheer them for embracing democracy. They have converted their countries to be their personal fiefdoms. To them , the law starts where they stand and ends at exactly the same spot. Kenya transitioned from autocracy to de...