Kenyans are deeply concerned with the many foreign trips President Ruto is making off late. They are deeply concerned because, it is said that , Kenya's economy is dilapidated and that , the Country's CBK has no monies to run the economy. Again, with the Country's cash crunch , most of the government operations are on their knees. If that is so , then, why then use taxpayers monies in making foreign trips that can wait and handle domestic issues fast that needs urgent attention? Who is fooling who? It is important to note that, the 50 million Kenyans especially the ordinary Wanjiku is facing it rough. The cost of living has hit the roof. The inflation rate is at 9.5% according to the KNBS. Serious austerity measures must be effected by the Kenya Kwanza goverment and the President should be leading in it. We cannot have leaders who can't walk the talk.
During the Ruto's inauguration ceremony at Kasarani Stadium where a sea of humans had turned up and foreign dignitaries and Heads of State to grace the occasion , DP Gachagua gave an account of the state of KENYA'S economy. From his end , it was in High dependency unit (HDU) and serious political and economic solutions were to be effected. This wasn't the true picture or situation. It was just an escape route of bypassing the many promises they had made to their supporters whom they had christened as Hustlers and them inturn certified that name. Today, the very hustlers are now crying foul. The cost of living they were promised that will be lowered has now turned to be a pipe dream. Was it blantant political conmanship? Methinks that , they were pampered with lies and all their economies woes were pilled and blamed on former President Uhuru Kenyatta regime yet , the ones doing it were part of it for the last 10 years.
President Ruto is shaping his foreign policy since , as a president , you must push both your personal and national interests but the former carries more weight and takes centre stage than the latter. But what is irking Kenyans and I noted it for the last 3 weeks , is that , the Country is facing severe drought and famine. Majority of Kenyans especially in Northern Kenya are on the brink of starvation. Livestock is dying at an alarming rate. Children are suffering from malnutrition. Expectant mothers are too in great danger and learning has been paralyzed because, how can hungry children absorb anything in class? As the father and a husband in a family facing such problems, how can you get luxury to visit your friends homes whose granaries are full and in the farms, food crops are months away to join their colleagues in the already full granaries? That shows high magnitude of irresponsibility on the part of leaders who during CAMPAIGNS vowed no Kenyan will die because of hunger. Again, they promised livestock farmers that, goverment will compensate for any livestock that succumbs to drought. They see still waiting but the best solution now is for the ministry of Agriculture, State department for livestock to purchase this livestock from this regions through Kenya Meat Commission (KMC).
Kenyans are asking the whereabouts of their Head of State. Atleast, let him spend his time in his house and mitigate and craft solutions to address the rising cost of living and arrest the drought and famine that is ravaging more than 10 million Kenyans. Instead of that , we are only seeing a litany of political rallies dubbed as "thanks giving ceremonies" and I wonder, the first thanks giving is to ensure those who voted for you have enough to eat. As we speak , it is luck for many Kenyans to access supper since, majority too are skipping both breakfast and lunch. That is fact and a painful one. Hunger isn't chosing whether you voted for Azimio la Umoja or Kenya Kwanza or you didn't vote at all. It is ravaging all and sundry. The bourgeoisies , who are the political elites are the only ones with guts to convene political rallies as if elections will be held a fortnight to come. The tone they are using is that of people in campaign trails.
The World isn't ready for excuses, the World is ready for results. You can't be in the government, holding serious coveted portfolio and you were just walling like an ordinary citizen who is struggling to put a meal on his/her table in the evening. Then , what was the essence of vying for that position in the first place? How will blake games solve the current Economic woes almost 50 million Kenyans are facing? You can't be putting the former Regime in your mouths every time the issue of lowering the cost of living is placed on your desks. The current Government is heaping blame on the previous regime as if this people landed in Kenya from diaspora during the August 9th. They have been part of the system only that , they sabotaged it from within and blamed it for the economic vagaries we are facing and vowed to address it immediately they are sworn in into office. Now , they have the government but former President Uhuru Kenyatta is their fodder. He has become their punch bag. A route for escapism for people who thought, running a goverment is all about theatrics and populism. The tone and mondus operandi of running a Goverment and running a presidential campaign is totally different. Yes!! Like Heaven and Earth.
The World's documented revolutions were as a result of hunger. Yes. Hungry people are very dangerous because, not even the sounds of guns and teargas can cow them. The desire for food have shaped politics of many nations both in Europe, South and Central America , Africa and Asia. When people are hungry, they keep their political , religious , ethnic and cultural differences aside and chat a common path. Hunger knows no tribe or political affiliation. That fabric is now joining Kenyans together. The conversation is not who voted for which political formation, the question is , what are plans put in place by President Ruto goverment to address Kenya's rising cost of living. That's the conversation Kenyans want to here not who won't get certain positions in Kenya or not. Kenyans aren't interested to know what that the former President Uhuru Kenyatta ought to have done or did because, he is now retired. If this Government feels it isn't ready to solve Kenyans woes , it can too resign and we put another Goverment in place. The sovereign powers belongs to the people of Kenya. We are HUNGRY and ANGRY.
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