P resident William Ruto embarked on a two day visit in Luo Nyanza, that is Homa Bay and Siaya Counties. Yesterday, he spend the better part of the day in Homa Bay county. He was welcomed by Governor Gladys Wanga , former Governor Awiti and other leaders who were or are members of the ODM party including elected Legislators in that county. In that County, President Ruto who is also accompanied by his Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, commission the Homa Bay market and also pledged to initiate a number of development projects which were given to him by the area leadership who kept their political differences aside to chat a common cause. It is cognizance to note that , this is the region which voted for Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga to the last man. But since the President is a symbol of national unity, he is obliged to visit this part of Kenya. In a democracy like Kenya, all Kenyans have their political rights and are enshrined in our constitution. No region...