resident Uhuru Kenyatta rule is coming to an end. Yes!! And the only thing which is standing between him and his retirement is TIME.  As we speak , he is now enjoying temporary incumbency. So fat , we have the president elect in William Ruto but it is yet to be certified because , his opponent Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga will be heading to the Supreme Court to challenge his victory. All in all , there is no Power vacuum that can make make plug into a constitutional crisis. Uhuru Kenyatta is still the Head of State and Government and commander in chief of Kenya Defence Forces.

What is disappointing is the way his political bastion decided to punish and humiliate him. The mose interesting thing is , GEMA nation uses emotions to vote. If you don't trigger their emotions , even if you as a presidential candidate can have a very well articulated manifesto that is aimed to improve their social , Economic and political lives , they can't vote for you. You must find something that will incite them to trigger their adrenaline and ego. Sigmund Freud can tell you what happens when hoi polloi ego is triggered by those who posses the super ego. Ruto exploited that avenue and the best way he did was to incite the Mt Kenya region residents against their political kingpin. He bastardized him and also used some politicians from the region to accuse the President for doing very little interms of rolling out development projects yet they rioted in the ballot thrice to vote for him. After the president heeded to that call , the very politicians again started moving from one place to the other in Mt Kenya region inciting the locals that , tûtikūría bara cia Rami ( we won't eat tarmac roads). Now , what do we call this ?? The same people accused the late former President Moi of taking development projects in his Rift Valley province backyard. He ensured even feeder roads heading to forests were tarmacked. Infact , most of this roads had ZERO Economic viability. Cows and goats in many parts of Rift Valley where his kinsmen were residents were chewing cud while blankly gazing into the space while resting on the tarmac roads.

President Uhuru Kenyatta became the kingpin of Mt Kenya region back in 2007/08 when he stood firmly to protect his kinsmen and women who were facing serious annihilation and obliteration at the height of Post Election Violence. He rallied both political elites and business men and women to fundraise inorder to provide basic commodities to those GEMA nation who were trapped in internally displaced camps. He rallied for peace and even begged his people not to met revenge on other commuties who were wrecking havoc on their brothers and sisters. It is this clarion call for peace that came to his rescue in the ICC. He found himself in the Hague based Court because of stepping out to stand for his community. But today , he is being loathed and chidded right, left and centre. They have forgotten. But how can they remember if , they spdo did it to the late President Mwai Kibaki? They also told him when he was doing Thika superhighway that , they will not eat it. After he exited the office , they even said that road to be named after him. To add salt into the wound , they also christened him general kìguoya(coward). His greatest crime is , he didn't use force to deal with his political opponents. He chose consensus and diplomacy to amicably solve political disputes.

Enter 2013 and the general elections was beckoning. Uhuru Kenyatta was expecting to throw himself into the race. He had just formed his own political party, The National Alliance (TNA). He was in a catch 22 situation because , the ICC case was pressing him down. Pressure from his political adversaries was high , the civil Societies too. The international community declared that , if Kenyans go ahead and elect him as their PRESIDENT , they will not recognize him and his Goverment. It is at this point he intimated that , he will throw his weight behind Musalia Mudavadi who was vying for the presidential seat on a United Democratic Front (UDF) party under the umbrella of Amani Coalition. When Mt Kenya region go wind of that information , they went both berserk and amok. They couldn't believe it. They even vowed to walk to Ichaweri and pitch tent there until UHURU KENYATTA address  and convince them why he decided to take that political decision without consulting them. The Gíkûyū council of Elders sought a serious sitting with Uhuru Kenyatta and get to know why he decided to take that decision. Finally, Uhuru retracted his earlier decision and even apologized to his Community. He cited it is demons which had made him make they decision.

To ensure that his PRESIDENTIAL bid is tenable , he teamed up with his former political adversary William Ruto. He wasn't his friend because, at the height of PEV , they were shooting for different camps. UHURU was pro-Kibaki(PNU) while Ruto was pro-Odinga(ODM). Do , when Kikuyus are here demonizing President Uhuru Kenyatta for mending fences with Raila Odinga , it ir important they remember , during Kenya's darkest moments in our history , the duo( Raila and Ruto) were in the same political formation. Infact , Ruto was a member of ODM's pentagon. A political Strategic team which was tasked to hunt for votes in all the 8 provinces. Why is it Ruto working with Raila isn't a crime and GEMA nation aren't mad but when it is happening with President Uhuru Kenyatta , they become bitter? Is that not hypocrisy of the highest order? 

The political bromance between Kikuyus and Kalenjins was reinvigorated by President Uhuru Kenyatta back in 2013. That's undisputed fact. Before then , there was bad blood between this two communities. Their political history isn't that cosy especially during the inception of pluralism back in 1991. The Kikuyu nation beared severe blunts for voting in huge numbers for opposition leaders and parties to the chagrin of KANU 's political honchos. That is the reason , a dark history of every electoral cycle was plagued with violence towards them. To write off that history , UHURU KENYATTA shook hands with William Ruto. A political re-union was mooted. TNA and URP formed a political alliance that went ahead to win the 2013 presidential elections. History is very important. We must know where we are coming from and where we are heading. GEMA nation has turned against Uhuru Kenyatta. They have decided to undress and address him in broad daylight. They have forgotten the good things he has brought to him. By accusing him that he hasn't been around them yet he has managed to rolled out mega infrastructural projects which may stall anytime from now , was it a political sin?

"When the baboons and monkeys heard that the man who used to chase them away from the maize field had died they hysterically celebrated! The following year there was no maize that's when they painfully realised the dead man was the farmer”

As at now , his usefulness cannot be seen be there is this perception that , he is now akin to a spent bullet cartridge. I am hoping that things won't go south for the region. In politics , anything is possible. The fissur cracks in Kenya Kwanza Alliance can start soon and the very GEMA nation can turn against Ruto and I can tell you , that political divorce can be noisy , messy and with serious casualties. Don't misconstrue that am pessimistic but am just trying to weigh issues from different dimensions. Political animals are prone to change. Just like Thomas Hobbes said , man is Anarchical and unpredictable. Analysing him sometimes it becomes hectic. The very leaders who rise to power through euphoria and populism ends up disappointing those who voted for them or turn against them in a henious manner. To me , President Uhuru Kenyatta will remain in my heart as a leader who I revere. He has withered many political storms which would have prompted him to turn into a ruthless Dictator in his quest to protect his regime and maintain his Power. He has bowed out after uniting the Country. To me , he is a Statesman. A paragon of virtue and am looking forward to him after retiring , I expect him to pen down a biography. It won't take long before Mt Kenya region residents starts showering him with accolades. For now , they are still behaving like a newly married bride enjoy honey moon. Tim will tell. 


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