T here is no iota of doubt that , the ship , MV IEBC is sinking or to put it well , it has already sank. The Captains are blaming one another for that mishap. The commissioners , Chair Wafula Chebukati , Vice Chair Cherera , CEO Marjan Hussein Marjan , Prof Guliye , Mr Nyagaya , Mrs Masit and a Mr Wanderi are the people who Kenyans have been looking upon to deliver a free , fair and credible elections. Walianza na roho (started with the spirit) on August 9th but finally , wamemalizia na mwili (finished the journey with their flesh). The Supreme Court ruling of the 2027 ordered IEBC to menbd alot of issues in itself so that in future it will end up providing a free, fair and credible elections. Infact before this year's general elections , the CJ Martha Koome and the Supreme Court pronounced itself very clearly that , IEBC should keep the Court's ruling of 2017 close to its chest.

When an electoral Commission is not united when discharging very serious and coveted constitution duties like a general election , what does that mean? In 2017 , the commissioners were reading from different scripts and at the same time , Chebukati was still the chair. They say that , a lightning dies not strike same place twice twice but it has occurred again in this defunct electoral body. Commissioners who are supposed to be impartial are now highly compromised and they are here telling us that , using taxpayers monies they will deliver a credible election. So far , commission has used more than 40 Billion and in the end tail , all what we are seeing as Kenyans are commissioners who are enjoying taxpayers largesse trading in accusations and counter accusations on who bangled the whole electoral process and who didn't. The issue of putting forms 34 As in the commission's portal for the media, political parties , the elections observers and candidates themselves and their agents to download isn't enough to convince me that , the process wasn't bangled. Kenyans this time round were waiting for a fair process. Am ain't saying that the entire process wasn't free and fair but a big portion of it was like that. I found myself downloading some of this forms 34 As and I was baffled to see how some electoral officials in the polling stations altered them in a big way. The question, is that the way they were trained to do? 

Just like the former Chief Justice David Maraga said back in 2017 that , an election is not an EVENT but a PROCESS. If the process was bangled and the 2017 Supreme Court ruling and orders to IEBC were ignored , the apex court will not feel shy to nullify this year's presidential election victory of President elect William Samoei Ruto. As a Country , we much be respecting the laws and rules and norms we set up whether they are favouring us or not. That's the only way of creating a just society. We can't be praising the judges and the Courts only when they lend favourable rulings for us and especially the political elites. It is something that the apex Court will want to be convinced as to how , in an election where , six of them takes place at ago , the number of people who voted for the president are more than those who voted for the other elective seats? What's shocking , even the other five elective seats , they aren't uniform? Isn't that an election offence? How can you convince me that , the whole process wasn't bangled? Also in the Kenya Integrated Elections Management System (KIEMS) , in some regions , it was registering a low figure of validated voters but the ballot casted are even more. How can they be explained? Was it a miracle? From the word go , there is more than meets the eye. No wonder some quarters even after the High Court gave a clean bill of health for IEBC to use the manual register , they immediately moved to the Court of Appeal to oppose that move and their wish was granted. It seems it was a well orchestrated scheme but in due course , everything will come to the surface.

Sometimes back , black smoke was billowing from the office of IEBC at anniversary Towers. That doesn't mean there was fire which had broken in thdt office but it was a black smoke of confusion that rocked the electoral Commission. When the first batch of ballot papers was jetting in from Greece , the four commissioners who jettisoned when Chebukati was releasing the presidential results at Bomas expressed their dismay and shock when they told the media that , they learned that there was a consignment of ballot papers which was in transit to Kenya. The question that Kenyans asked themselves was , are this commissioners working together? Or there is a Sharp division between them?  There is something I can't rule out , that , may be , Chebukati , Prof. Guliye and Marjan Hussein Marjan could have conspired to technically lock out the new 4 commissioners from the whole process. Why should a section of the commission be privy to some delicate information while the rest are kept in the periphery? What is that which was being hid from them? The chairman of the commission Wafula Chebukati term in office is coming to an end in February next year. The question is , if the Supreme Court will NULLIFY this presidential election , how do we expect a divided commission to render a free , fair and credible election?

There many questions we need to ask ourselves without dragging any whimsical feelings and choleric feelings because , losing in any contest is fine the same as winning because , we also see best teams and athletes losing but if you lose fairly , it is the most paramount thing and accepting defeat and moving on is always tenable. There are those who are chiding the Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate for crying foul in every general elections that votes from him are stolen. Many believe that , the so called system and deep State would have helped him win this election. But again , didn't the same people saying so sometimes back told us the two entities are non existent? Why should he have depended on the yet they aren't the ones which were tasked in conducting the presidential election? All he wanted is a free , fair and credible elections. Everything will come out clearly very soon and if the process was bangled, then , the whole commission should not be held responsible but individuals in that commission. Criminal proceedings should be processed against them because that by itself is abuse of office and Constitutional mandate. It is so DECLASSIFIED. We can't be harbouring people in constitution commissions whereby , instead of offering services to Kenyans in due deligence and impartiality , they are used as an appendage of political elites. 

All eyes will be in the apex Court to see how it will prosecute this issue. It is a weighty matter where , an Army of lawyers from both Kenya Kwanza Alliance and Azimio la Umoja will be going after each other jagular infront of the seven judges who will be following the matter keenly.  The Maina Kiai and other jurisprudence will sneak themselves in that Court. It will be a court battle which will be worth watching and following. Any decisions by that apex court will be welcome. If it will upheld Ruto's victory , fine. If it will nullify the whole process , fine , Kenyans will go back to the ballot and exercise their constitutional and democratic duty.


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