There was this farmer by the name Mr Smiles. He used to engage in Maize farming and livestock rearing. But there was this one problem, there is a rat that  used to terrorize him. It feasted on his maize. So, he decided to take action. Together with his wife and two sons , he decided to buy a rat trap. He finally purchased it. The ray , eavesdropped on that conversation and got the intelligence information that, something was cooking and its days were numbered in Mr Smiles house. The following morning, the rat alerted the cow , hen , turkey and pig that Mr Smiles used to rear. It told them, guys!!! You know what , Mr Smiles has bought a trap and I feel your lives are in danger. All of them told it off. How can a trap placed inside the house affect them yet they spend all their stay outside the house?

One night, while in the dinning room together with his family, Mr Smiles heard a loud noise in the location he had placed the trap. He hurriedly went to look whether the stubborn rat has been catch. To his shock, the trap catched a venomous black mamba snake which was in its business looking for something to put in its mouth. Mr Smiles stretched his hand to pick the trap and was bitten by that snake. He produced a wail that not only attracted his wife and children but also neighbors. He was rushed to a nearby dispensary. The doctor prescribed a chicken soup inorder to suppress the poison in his body. Since he has rears chicken, why buy. The first casualty of the rat's warning was the chicken. The following day, the doctor told Mrs Smiles that , her husband needs bacon. Since they rear pig , the one they have was slaughtered. The second casualty. After three days , the turkey was also slaughtered because, it's gizzard was required as prescribed to Mr Smiles by the doctor. Mr Smiles developed serious conditions that made him lose his life. During his burial, the cow he reared was slaughtered and mourners feasted on it. All this time, the rat was safe. It survived the ordeal. Mr Smiles trap  caused death of animals whose death wasn't intended. Starting with Mr Smiles himself.

Where am I going with this analogy? Azimio la Umoja captain and ODM leader Raila Odinga has off late raised very pressing issues regarding the current Government. His concern is the mondus operandi the President and his team are crippling independent Institutions and arm twisting them to tore his line to the detriment of the constitution. Transgressions on rule of law have off late been very loud. Raila Odinga is accusing Ruto of trying to reintroduce the dark era KANU regime behaviors that strangled democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law. That's why he is calling all Kenyans, irrespective of their gender , size, age , colour, ethnic orientation and political affiliation to come out strongly and condemn any acts of bringing back KANU without Moi because, its remnants, who are graduates of his school of autocratism may not shy away to hold brief for in even in his grave. Just like Mr Smiles who bought the trap to catch the rat and by the end of the day , him and his livestock died painful deaths , before you throw stones , chide , bastardize and snear Raila Odinga , take time to jaundice the issues he is raising. They are very important for them well being of the nation. We all know that , goverment eats its own children. Those who are cheering now when the very Goverment they voted for is strangling the constitution by trespassing on rule of law and democratic ideals will cry more than those perceived to be targeted by the state.

Today , there will be public consultation meeting at Kamukunji grounds in Kamukunji  Constituency between Raila Odinga and his supporters. President Ruto should provide security, drinks and if possible , lunch and transport fee. The only thing which I couldn't have okayed is demonstrations. The issue of high living, unfulfilled promises by then Kenya Kwanza goverment , the infiltration of the criminal justice system and judiciary by the government among other things will feature prominently tomorrow. Also , Raila Odinga promised to tell Kenyans how his votes were stolen and who aided it. A state calling itself a democracy must have a strong opposition. That's why Azimio la Umoja leader should be in the Parliament. How should he be oversighting the government from the streets. Even if Ruto would be the one in the opposition, he ought to execute that role inside parliament and not from the corridors of shops in Sugoi or in the streets of Eldoret town.

Freedom of expression, association and assembly is enshrined in our constitution. It is in this wisdom that , tomorrow's meeting at jacaranda grounds should go on. It is something good that President Ruto has no problem with it. His only problem was by the end of the day , demonstrations to be held especially in the CBD. That one , I can't too advocate. If the public consultation will happen and those in attendance to go home peaceful and the police to escort them, there is no problem. That's the beauty of democracy. The fact is , issues that Raila Odinga is raising should not be ignored. They are very weighty. Between 2013 to 2017 , Raila Odinga raised very pertinent issues that Jubilee administration was doing but majority, especially in Mt Kenya region who were being affected much , told him off. When handshake happened, they accused Odinga for abandoning his opposition roles yet , when he was executing them and raising thethebeed flag, they told him off. This time round, listen to him. Even if you don't love him , treat him like the rat that gave the warning. We know it survived and those it warned , told it off. 


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