Days , hours , minutes and seconds are melting and as they do that , we are drawing near to the general elections. Though many regions are experiencing cold and chilly weather , the campaign frenzy is rejuvenating our bodies. Political candidates are combing the ground in their quest to hunt for VOTES. Many are giving wanjiku promises of things they will do for her once she elects them. A majority of this candidates are clueless and even don't know what they want. They only want to be recognized that they vied for this and that voteand got elected. Others are saying politics is the best paying job in Kenya. They can't clearly tell you want they want to do to their electorates if by chance they get elected. The only worry I have is , is Wanjiku aware of such characters who are humbling themselves before her?
The other day , I bumped a certain political candidate who is eyeing a political seat in my Constituency. He is my friend and so , as we exchanged greetings , he offered to buy for me a cup of tea. Due to the cold weather which have enveloped my Constituency , I didn't turn down the offer. I also wanted to take that opportunity to dig from that guy what motivated him to vie for a political seat. In the cause of our taking tea , my friend was full of stories and why he feels he is at the pole position to clinch that seat as compared to his opponents. In his endless narration that lasted almost 30 minutes , the fellow was not communicating anything. He was just glorifying the political party on whose ticket he is vying on. He didn't hinted to me , as an individual , what does he have in store for Wanjiku who will vote for him.
I got pissed off and I decided to interject in his endless narrations which were flat. I posed to him this question. What motivated you to vie for that seat? In brevity , what is your plans on wanjiku who will vote for you? I retired on my chair as I molested the tea and chapati he had ordered for me. He was just giving me weird things and unrealistic issues which aren't designated for the seat he was vying for. That's the time I realized that , he has ZERO plans. He doesn't know what he wants himself let alone what he has in store for the electorates he is gearing up to represent. This is just a tip of an iceberg. He isn't alone but he is a replica of many political candidates who offered themselves to the voter inorder to be given the mandate to represent het both in the Senate , National Assembly , County Assembly and the gubernatorial office.
Wanjiku loves to be bribed no wonder , anytime she sees a political leader coming to get to woo her to vote for him , the first thing she will ask is handouts. She doesn't even want to hear what that aspirant has in store for her. She has been conditioned to believe that , once she elects that leader into a political office , her obligation is to start begging for services which this leader is supposed to deliver to him. In the preamble of our constitution , it states clearly that , all the sovereign Powers belong to the people of Kenyans and should be exercised in accordance to the constitution. I don't believe the Kenyan voter and citizen really understands what that means. The day she will awaken and go into deep to find the meaning of that meaning , she will exercise her sovereignty in a sober abs reasonable way.
After the August 9th , most of the VOTERS in different regions will start complaining and cursing herself as to why she elected politician X or Y , yet she had all the time in this World to vet this political aspirants before making her final decision at the ballot. That will be possible if Wanjiku will use party euphoria to vote in elected leaders like he did back in 2017. In my area , there a member of County Assembly who in the process of vote hunting , told the voters that , they give him their votes so that , when he gets in tht assembly , he will help President Uhuru Kenyatta to deal with Raila Odinga. Hilarious!!! Where is the colleration between the County Assembly and Raila Odinga? By the end of the day , that fellow was voted in and the very wanjiku , voted out that leader the other day in a disgraceful manner.
Political candidates who are vying for various seats , if you don't have any plan on your electorates , just quit the race and go and prepare yourself. There are those since the campaign period was officially announced , they have never committed themselves to the voter they are looking up to vote for them on what they will do for them? Reason??? They are empty , hollow and clueless. To them , a political seat is the hallmark of their careers. A political seat is a good business venture. There is nothing like service delivery. Others , are vowing that , it will be our time to eat. This means , they will loot public monies right , left and centre and in a shameless manner. Should such people even allowed to come close a public office let alone occupying it?
It is time wanjiku takes Elections very seriously. Does she understands why the constitution which she participated in making gives her the mandate to vote in representatives every 5 years? Or to her , she is just conditioned to participate in an exercise and then retire back in his house and wait to the next general elections? She should vote wisely and hold the leaders she is voting in responsible. That is why the constitution gives her room to recall leaders she elected and have exhibited incompetence , mediocrity and ineptness. If the constitution takes electoral process that serious , why do Wanjiku handle that exercise that casually? Any political candidate who is just selling hot air and unrealistic promises , he/she shouldn't be voted in. If you do it , then , you will be playing the Russian roulette with your life and that of your future generations. Take charge and vote wisely. Don't take chances. Your vote is your future.
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