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Dear Mūrang'a County voter and resident , the elections for gubernatorial seat is around the corner , poops!!! No, the election has already taken the corner. From Gatanga all the way to Mathioya Constituencies , residents are gearing up to vote for the next County Governor. The current Governor is completing his 10 years in office. The question is , has he lived to your expectations? Has he fulfilled all the promises he made back in 2013 and 2017 when he both vied for a fresh mandate and defended his seat successfully? Now , the moment to make very critical decision is here with us. A litany of gubernatorial candidates are coming to us to woo as to vote for them so they repressed and safeguard out interests.

Dear Mūrang'a County resident , so far , Mūrang'a County Goverment has received more than 65 B shillings since 2013 . This County has a cumulative of 7 sub Counties , namely ; Gatanga , Kandara , Kigumo , Maragwa , Kiharu , Mathioya and Kangema. With a population of close to 600K people , it is high time to make right and correct decision. We have suffered in this current County Government and if you hear someone glorifying it , he/she has been and accomplice , an appendage , a sympathizer and a partner in crime of the economic atrocities it has committed to the residents of Mūrang'a County. In the 1980's and early 1990's , Mūrang'a District through the Mūrang'a Municipal Council was lending money to the national government. Yes!!!  The KANU regime feared the tycoons and politicians who hailed from this County because of their financial power.  President Moi knew , he who commands and influences Economic decisions has the capacity and power to influence politics of the Nation.

In Mūrang'a County , the ten years of devolution has gone to waste. Fact!! The most painful thing is , the next GOVERNOR will start from ZERO. He doesn't have a platform to start from and he should kind psychologically and emotionally prepared for that. As I type this , out health care in Mūrang'a County is in High Dependancy Unit (HDU). If you think what am saying not correct , visit your nearest goverment dispensary or level 3 hospital , you will experience the most torturous moments. Psychologically distressing at its best and no one seems to care. The other horrifying and heart breaking thing is , the former CEC health is vying Mūrang'a gubernatorial seat. My question is , how will he tell you Wanjiku and the pain you have gone through in the hands of medics who had no other option but to prescribe you drugs to purchase in chemists / pharmacist out in your shopping centres.

Dear Mūrang'a resident , look at the status of the Early Childhood Development and Development (ECDE) near you. How is its status? Is it pleasing at all bearing in mind , County Government is the one which is expected to look at its affairs? I know the answer you have in mind. It is not convincing at all because , those facilities are hallowing and deplorable to say the least.  That's why am calling upon the voter to make sober decision devoid of emotions and feelings. Let that political party euphoria not to blind you. There was someone who was a Senator for five years. He is vying for the gubernatorial seat and the question is , did he perfom his duties as expected as a Senator? There is one who was in the ministry of Water and Sanitation , did he performed his duties as expected?There was one who was a former MP  and a Minister during the grand coalition Government. All this will be coming to woo you to give them your votes. Listen to each and every one manifesto. Is it realistic or populistic in nature? Will it write off the predicaments Mūrang'a County residents have gone through in a painful manner? In the whole Mt Kenya region , our County can only be used as a bench mark as an example of  how devolution shouldn't be runned and how corruption to inhibit development in County governments.

The ball in your court as a voter. You will enticed with HANDOUTS but I beseech you not to reason with your stomachs but rather , use your brains and hearts. Put your vote to someone who wull use your resources in the right manner. Each financial year , Mūrang'a County receives sh 6.5 B from the National Government. The question is , from where you are seated , have this monies had a positive impact to you as an individual? When you seat down and take an audit , have the current Regime led by Governor Wairia impacted you? Apart from Nyota zetu educational scholarship , in other sectors of the economy where the County Goverment was expected to act especially matters agriculture , have you benefitted?

Who will return Mūrang'a County to its former glory Economically? The only way is to elect a Governor who will be more of a manager and not a politician? We don't have slay kings and populists the likes of former Governors of Nairobi and Kiambu Counties who rode on it and successfully clinched those seats but later , what happened? Premium tears of agony from the residents of those Counties. In Nairobi County , president UHURU came to the rescue of the residents through NMS. In Kiambu , MCAs had no option but to impeach Waititu.  In Mūrang'a County , we should avoid taking that route. As I conclude , dear Mūrang'a County resident , vote for a leader and not the political party which it has sponsored him. It is that simple and always remember this , CHOICES always have CONSEQUENCES.


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