1. Peter Kihungi
2. George Kibuku
3. Simon Karema
5. Julia Nyokabi
6. Duncan Githiga
7. Milka Njeri
Am ain't here to tell you thr best candidate you will vote to represent you in the August house. All I want to beseech you not to employ emotions and feelings when voting for the next Kangema MP. This is the most important seat that will directly connect you with the National Government irrespective of whether it is Kenya Kwanza Alliance Presidential candidate William Ruto will win or Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Alliance coalition party presidential candidate Raila Odinga. Dear Kangema resident , don't be hoodwinked by the part euphoria but elect an individual's person abilities and character. You must employ a hawk eye and a razor sharp reasoning and thinking.
I heard people trying to pull this hilarious card that , thru wi employ the North -South political card that will influence the voting pattern. That is , the Muguru Ward to the South aganaist the Rwathia and Kanyenya-ini wards in North. This is retrogressive and archaic thinking. Kangema is one , stretching from marimira to Irima , from Mugechi Kaboro to Ichichi to Wanjerere. It won't be divided along such fiefdoms. If the next MP will come from Muguru ward or Rwathia or Kanyenya-ini , he/she will serve the over 85000 residents without fear , favor or illwill This is the kind of reasoning Kangema residents should have in mind. Let all the candidates sell their manifestos and promises to wanjiku of Kangema. That's the only way to win the hearts and minds. All the other things are neither here nor there. Wanjiku , I know you are very expectant from the many promises that this aspirants are giving to you. At this point in time , do a vers serious vetting on this aspirants. Don't vote for someone because you are sympathetic to them or you come from a humble background. If you use that as a parameter and a yardstick to elect an MP , you will get a ride shock post 2022.
Dear Wanjiku , am ain't writing to you an epistolary letter like the one St Paul wrote to Galatians , Thessalonians , Philippians and so on , am writing this to talk to your inner self. I know as this juncture , there is a conflict between your outer self and your inner self that's why , if I ask you whom will you vote for as your MP based on what he/she has promised you that they will do , definitely , you will not give me an answer , a concrete one for that matter. But if I ask you whom will you vote for based on party or Coalition affiliation , you will give you an automatic answer. Just like the former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu once said , " What is popular is not always what is right." This point is very important and if you keep it close to your chests , you won't derail from the core function expecting of you as a voter.
Every Constituency receives sh 130 million per fiscal year. How this kitty will be used depends on the kind of thr staff the elected MP will put in that NG CDF office. If he/she will bring dafts and cunning individuals who were concentrate in filling their bellies , then , don't expect any tangible results. That's will be the genesis of your predicaments from the word go. Who will be put as the CDF board is also a factor , this are the people who will be mapping which projects will be prioritized on. NG CDF kitty covers the following key areas:
1. Education
2. Security
3. Sports
The role of the Member of the National Assembly is to :
i. To oversight
ii. To represent
Buy there is something very important that Wanjiku of Kangema should know is , Parliament is a very important Institution which the other arms of thr government , that is , Judiciary and Executive depends on. Apart from the projects that NG CDF kitty is slated to cover , the creativity and wittiness of the MP will depend how he/she will be going about. Projects are lobbied in the National Assembly departmental committees and not in thr floor of that house. Your MP can be a good debater but when it comes to lobbying for development projects from the national government he/she scores a zero. Communication skills and intelligentsia of thst person will be at play. How he/she will be able to mobilize , socialize and quick to grasp nitty gritty .
In conclusion , dear Wanjiku , just be sober. Make the right decisions. This is what you and your children will depend on. You make a wrong turn and everything will be elephant for you. The issue of bursary application and allocation has for a long time been a hot potato in Kangema Constituency. Fact!!! This is something we should play the politics of an ostrich on. So , that's why am rallying you to make the right decisions. Take each and every candidate. Scrutinize them in deep without employing a biased eye especially looking at the political party that candidate is using to vie for that seat. If you do so , all will be fine. Take time to make the right decision.
Yours faithfully
Mwihaki Hegel Fredrick.
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