The train is in the station. Ooooops!!! No , it has already left the station and the captain is one Raila Odinga. On board are 50 Million Kenyans but to necessitate this travel , 22 million Kenyans will pay the fare through the ballot. They have in unison agreed to seal his presidency come August 9th very early in the morning. The whole Country is yearning for change. Even in Mt Kenya region where a section of people have been saying Raila Odinga is unsellable , the tables are turning againaist them. In each and every household , the conversation is changing. The Raila who the mountain has been loathing and voting againaist since 1997 , is now warming for him in a great way. Those who still doubt are the only strangers in Jerusalem. Those who have been sowing the seeds of discord , hatred and ethnic profiling towards Raila , the seeds have failed to germinate. Fact!!!

Today in the Sunday Nation newspaper, Irungu Kangata penned an article titled, "Kenyans should vote againaist Raila to forestall continuation of the Country's poor governance."  This is hilarious and the author just throwing economics terminologies here and there in a haphazard manner. In that article , Kangata piled accusations on Raila Odinga for the economic mishaps the Country is grappling with. I wonder, this Senator is and have been in the government. What prevented him to ensure that the cost of living is in good shape? Where is the colleration between Raila and the rising cost of living in the Country? Is Raila in the government? He can't provide concrete answer to this question because his article was aimed at whipping emotions from a section of Kenyans because majority won't allow themselves to be dragged in murky water of illusory reasoning and thinking.

In that article , Kangata blamed Raila Odinga for the existing inflation and the senator continues unabate to blame Raila for that problem. It is important to note that, even the strong World economies like US are facing inflationary rates which are soaring upwards. The World is slowly dripping into an economic recession. Countries like UK , France, China , Germany , Canada etc are experiencing inflation but in this nations it is not highly felt like in many developing Countries like Kenya and our neighbouring Countries like Uganda and Tanzania. The galloping inflation Kenya is currently facing is as a result of the mishaps in the international Economic arena. Most developing Nations are a consuming economies and most of this consumables are not generated locally but imported.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) has shot up from 6.5% to 7.1%  and I wonder where Raila comes in here but because the author misused the page offered to him by NMG to scribble an article which wasn't well researched , he has erred from the head to the tail of his narration. Infact, a first year college student in a unit on introduction to Economics can pen a sober article devoid of emotions and misuse of Economic terminologies just to whip emotions of Kenyans who don't interrogate issues in a critical and analytical way. The consumer purchasing power has reduced astronomically all over the World and not only in Kenya. Economic depression is World over and before we blame the government which imports more of its essential products that are drivers of the economy like crude oil , what do you expect?

The strength of Kenyan shilling againaist the dollar is weakening and this is understandable because of the global financial crisis. Away from the economic sanctions which have been slapped on Russia by US and its NATO allies , the rubble is weakened. The pound , Euro, yen etc are struggling big. Wall Street and London Stock Exchange (LSE) and other financial markets are suffering because of the weakening strengths of their currencies. It is factual that the dollar is serious wrecking havoc on our shilling. This is a global crisis. The Central Bank of Kenya(CBK) Governor and his Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) had no option but to raise the bank lending rate inorder to try and bring equilibrium between the dollar and the Kenyan shilling. Another question , is Raila the CBK Governor? Is he a member of the MPC? Then why should someone heep blame on him when a problem is global? Is it that the author of that article is suffering from serious village syndrome?

On the issue of balance of payments disequilibrium that is facing Kenya , our good Senator was quick to point the finger on Raila Odinga. Where is the relationship between him and that problem? The balance of payments deficits are caused when the imports supercedes the exports. In Kenya currently , our major imports are electronics and manufacturing goods and other assortments of both heavy and light machineries. On the export space , Kenya whose Economic backbone is Agriculture , we export Coffee and Tea in large quantities to Countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan , Sri Lanka etc. This Countries are not grappling with galloping inflation buy hyper inflation. They are our key customers of out coffee and tea. Iran was also a major big market but the US sanctions slapped on its Economiy drastically reduced its consumption.

Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Alliance coalition party presidential candidate Raila Odinga is giving his own promises that are oscillating around exactly economy. He has been unleashing them together with his running mate Martha Karua. The point left from his end is to tell Kenyans that , where will he get the funds to fund his social welfare Programmes which will need huge chunk of monies to make it a reality. At least , there is hope in the end . A leader is a dealer in hope. The promise he is giving Kenyans is fine and good. What the duo should remember and keep close to their chests is , for whom much is bestowed , much is expected. That's true and as they move across the Country campaigning , this should always be occupying hectares of space in their mind and heart.

In the nutshell , Kenyans are waiting anxiously to install Raila Odinga as their PRESIDENT. What the duo ( Karua and Raila) should put close to their hearts is that , to whom much is bestowed , much is expected. I hope the many promises they are making to kenyans will be realistic and I believe they will. A leader is a dealer in hope. KENYA is pregnant for change. And the change is coming from the new brand of thinkers and not the status quo. How do Kenyans ugling to vote for Ruto expecting from someone who has been in the government since 2013 and now he is giving promises. What has prevented him from solving our problems? Is it Raila Odinga or Martha Karua? Have they been in the government? Is it the strategy of making Kenyans poor so that you dominate them? This is called politics of poverty glorification that Ruto and his coteries are playing. On that article, Kangata erred and was politically incorrect. The Country is readying itself for the Raila Odinga and Martha Karua presidency. Fact!!!


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