Politics just like war is won in the boardroom not in the battle field. If you think wars are won in the battle field either in conventional or unconventional means , then , you are damn wrong. Again , in politics , Elections aren't won in public rallies but through wittingly and craftly penetrating in the hearts and minds of the ordinary voters. This ordinary voter is the person who the ancient Greek political philosopher Plato called the Artisan. He is the person who the philosopher-kings believe is best suited to carry their political aspirations. For a long time , DP Ruto has illusionary believed that , by rocking the ruling party Jubilee Party , inciting the Mt Kenya region towards his boss and also sabotaging President Uhuru Kenyatta regime , he has succeeded in grounding h politically. Fallacy. 

President Uhuru Kenyatta has been checkmating his Deputy President since 2017 even before the general elections. From 2013- 2017 , Ruto was on top of things in the Jubilee Alliance Government. He was even bragging to his kinsmen and women that he is fully control of the government and that the driver is always intoxicated and he isn't aware of what is happening in his own Goverment. It is in that point that Ruto craftly started positioning himself to overthrow his boss from his own Goverment by having rebels in every goverment Ministry. President Uhuru Kenyatta was aware of that plot and before he executed that plan , the 2017 general elections came knocking. And because Ruto wanted his plan executed in earnest , he decided to play cool and supported his boss for a re-election. All this while , President Uhuru Kenyatta was feigning ignorant and clueless. He had covered his clench fists with gloves , something that Ruto didn't even thought of.

After the general elections , the kind of stick and carrot politics Ruto played on UHURU KENYATTA was totally nipped in the bud and crashed in totality. He revisited his political science notes in Amherst College especially the once he had summarized on the PRINCE by Niccolo Machiavelli. To assert himself and to protect his legacy and even roll out new development projects , he decided to deal ruthlessly with his Deputy. First , he descended on Ruto's sheep whom he had corruptly annexed from President Uhuru Kenyatta. All those who held coveted parliamentary committees were punged with zero chills. All this while , Ruto was spared. His brigade started to craft narratives that , Uhuru Kenyatta is silently campaigning for William Ruto. After the March 13 , handshake between him and Raila Odinga , his erstwhile political rival turned friend , they believed that UHURU KENYATTA has upscaled his strategy of clandestinely campaigning for William Ruto a notch higher. But at Karatina market , President Uhuru Kenyatta pulled a first one when he opined that , his choice on his preferred Presidential favourite will shock many. Then , the confusion is , if it is Ruto , then , where is the surprise and all alone , Ruto and his acolytes have been clinging on ," yangu kumi na ya Ruto kumi."

This assumptions that president Uhuru Kenyatta has been secretly been campaigning for Ruto by feigning that he is aganaist him inorder to fool Raila Odinga that he is his preferred successor only to drop him in the wee hours is a hypothesis that is not inconsequential but some like Senator Irungu Kangata are wobbling on it. I wonder why he is still coining such hypothetical assertions? Is it that he only want to rub salt in already exposed injuries President Uhuru Kenyatta has metted on his Deputy? UHURU knows too well that , men are vengeful for slight injuries and so , if you are anticipating to inflict injuries on your opponent , they should be so severe such that , his/her vengeance need not to be feared. That's what Uhuru had currently done to Ruto. No more acting. And if this kind of reasoning Kangata has is what Ruto is bearing , then, he is the only stranger in Jerusalem.

The train left the station long time ago. President Uhuru Kenyatta is the brains behind the formation of Azimio la Umoja. After the fall of BBI , him and Raila Odinga quickly reinvigorated themselves and came up with a totally new political outfit which is now sweeping swathes of votes in favour of Raila Odinga. The choice of Martha Karua SC as Raila's running mate was another lethal card UHURU pulled on Ruto. Is it working against Ruto? Yes infact in a big way. Ruto hurriedly went on to pick Rigathi Gachagua. In his mind , he thought that Azimio will either pick Hon Peter Kenneth or Hon Sabina Chege. Uhuru again pulled a first one on Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza Alliance brigade.

In today's Sunday Nation , Irungu Kangata penned an article titled , "Could Uhuru be subtly helping Ruto win top seat?." This is an article I can even advise DP Ruto not to read or consume it'ls contents. It is a very good political satire. From its head to the tail, it is full of sarcasm. Though Kangata has started by defending himself that it is a hypothesis , it is an insult to William Ruto. So far , there is no love left between him and President Uhuru Kenyatta. None. And anybody playing a fool of him by telling him otherwise is just inflicting him with more injuries. President Uhuru Kenyatta is the "general" leading the Azimio la Umoja platoon evenif he isn't openly campaigning for the outfit. As a master tactician , President Uhuru Kenyatta had intimated that he will hit the ground running to campaign for Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua. With that in mind , Kenya Kwanza Alliance had strategized how they will attack him. In the 11th hour , UHURU retreated leaving the opponent confused. Instead , regional campaign teams were formed to campaign for the outfit. As we speak , Ruto is fighting his opponents from all frontiers.

It is from this point that make Kangata's article null and void. His hypothetical reasoning falls short of the reality on the ground. He should stop playing with Ruto's mind. He should stop nursing his ego when in reality he is internally and externally bleeding from serious political injuries. President Uhuru Kenyatta is expressing no mercies on him. He trusted him from the start. He abused that trust. For all that while , he has been inciting elected leaders whom Uhuru himself mentored politically to insult , snear and disparage him. Him Ruto has been throwing jibes to president Uhuru Kenyatta and his family. By using the likes of Moses Kuria and Rigathi to insult him as a person and his entire family , how can you deal with such a person. It is black and white that , the gloves are off between UHURU and Ruto. 

Kangata continues in his article to enumerate pointers that shows president Uhuru Kenyatta is clandestinely campaigning for Ruto's Presidential bid. First is the rising cost of living that Kenyans are blaming his regime. On this , am trying to find a colleration between what Kangata wants us to believe. Second , he touches on BBI that , UHURU wanted Ruto to oppose the document so that to whip emotions from Kenyans especially from Mt Kenya region. This is fallacious. President Uhuru Kenyatta was serious on this document because it was ment to cure the inequalities on resource allocations and represention. Mt Kenya region was to get their fair share. Third , he opines that , the existence of JB Muturi in Kenya Kwanza Alliance is a poignant point to show Uhuru is supporting Ruto by fooling Raila. Now , tell me , is it that Murathe has been mad all that time? He has been critical of William Ruto presidential bid. Upto now , Kangata is hoodwinking Ruto that President Uhuru Kenyatta is supporting his PRESIDENTIAL bid. But why is he lying to him.

If I can use the very hypothesis Kangata is applying in his reasoning , can I be wrong when I say that Kabogo , Kiunjuri and Kuria can be trojan horses in Kenya Kwanza Alliance? Can I also say that JB Muturi is UHURU's mole in Kenya Kwanza Alliance if his tight friendship with Uhuru is to go by?  Hon Kangata on this issue is politically incorrect. Let him stop playing mind games on Ruto.  His article today in the Sunday Nation was destructive on Ruto's presidential bid. He is telling Ruto's supporters especially in Mt Kenya region that , they don't need to come out to vote for Ruto because president Uhuru Kenyatta and the DEEP STATE and SYSTEM will work for his advantage. He is trying to fool them that , the statements Ruto's keep on making towards the President and his Government are just theatrics.

I wonder what has become of Kangata off late. All the articles he always make in the Sunday Nation are self defeatist in as far as Ruto's presidential bid is concerned. That of today , it was that way. The one he made las Sunday was even fatal because he was trying to portray Ruto as a leader who want to defy himself to a political "God" who should be worshipped by UDA supporters. That he is the way. He is the political "Ayatollah" of KENYA'S politics. That those who don't support him politically are atheists. This kind of reasoning and thinking is not only archaic bit very calamitous. In the nutshell , Kangata should stop massaging Ruto's ego. He is nursing serious injuries. Let him stop sarcastically laughing at his party leader. It is that simple. 


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