Bottom up economic model is the sweetest political Strategy that Deputy President William Ruto invented inorder to whip the masses in his own political fold. It has been resonating with the majority of the suffering Kenyans now grouped in the hustler nation fold. This model was coined by DP Ruto himself. Where he got it from I don't know but he told us that he got it from US. The leading World super Power and a strong follow of liberal economics. The hustler narrative was tailored to be bring thr ordinary wanjiku into the fold under the guise that he will be liberated Economically by the very people who have actively contributed to dipping her in the pit he is currently in. Ironic.
The aim of this Economic model which , even Ruto's head of Economic and policy strategy Economist Dr David Mwangi Ndii has been in pains to explain to Kenyans what this model is all about. Ndii is a product of liberal economics ( laissez faire) since he graduated with an undergraduate degree in Economics to attaining his PhD in the same field from Oxford University. At this moment and time , he can't explain to us what this Economic model is all about. Why??? Because he truly knows it can't be feasible in Kenya from the word go. Its proponent DP Ruto has been telling the hustlers that , the aim of thr bottom up economic model is to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich by bringing the lower cluster in KENYA'S ECONOMY that is , the mama mboga , boboda boda , beba beba , barbers, cobblers and the rest of meagre stakeholders in the informal sector to the bargaining table and allowing them to have a bite of the national cake.
The bottom up economic model in his thinking , Ruto believes it attempts to empower the base , herein , the hustlers , for economic takeoff. It presupposes that thr base is skilled and strategic to undertake economic decisions that will spring them to higher standards of living while reducing their vulnerabilities. The model tends to bestow the responsibilities of economic management to the ordinary Kenyan( hustlers) beyond their capacity to bear. The approach was hypothesed by Karl Marx and was found to be feasible only when the capitalists have been toppled by the working class. The economic class. The bottom up economic model hence looks at a state where capitalists would be overthrown and power handed to the ordinary citizens ( hustlers). To hoodwink the gullible wanjiku , Ruto started by drawing a dichotomy between the rich and the poor by introducing a class struggle narrative , the dynasty vs hustlers. That is , the haves and thr have nots. The question that every sober Kenyan should asking himself , is Ruto a have not?
The fact is , the bottom up economic model has the face of Marxist-Lennist connotations. Infact , it is a socialist concept that has never been practiced in any State that subscribes to liberal economics. Thst is , the trickle down economic model that Kenya has been using since independence. We inherited this model from the pioneers of the free market economics which is Britain. The proponent of this model subscribes fully to private ownership of properties. In short , he is a bourgeoisie who now masquerades to look and care more about the proletariats. This is Economic conmanship at its best. A hyena cannot prosecute a case it is involved of oppressing the sheep. Justice cannot prevail. That's the fact.
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All this things Ruto is telling us are very , absolutely very possible in a trickle down economic model. The late president Mwai Kibaki used it back in 2003 when he took over from a despotic and kleptomaniac regime which was perfect in unleashing autocracy and patron-client kind of politics. All it is required is Political goodwill from the political elites. If the idea of bottom up economic model came to Ruto's mind way back in 2013 or in 2017 , why didn't he tell his boss they do a pilot study. This very Government tried sometimes back to regulate the interest capping but that regulation failed terribly. Kenya is a free market economy and the prices of goods and services are determined by the forces of demand and supply. The government cannot impose price controls on all products in its economy but the only thing it can do is to offer subsides which are costly especially in developing countries grappling with ballooning Public debts. Fact.
It is good to be honest with each other. I challenge Ruto to come forward and tell us , that is , to give us a case study where , a socialist leaning Economic model like his has ever flourished in a free market economy? That's is the question that helps understand needs to answer. I have seen Economic think tanks like Institute of Economic Affairs ( IEA) and public policy think tank Kenya Institute of Public Policy and Research and Analysis ( KIPPRA) struggling to fuse how this model of Ruto will resonate with Kenya's liberal economics. In the nutshell , this model is just a political populistic model aimed at hoodwinking the voters by masquerading it is a panacea to their Economic woes but in turn , it will dip them into mode Economic reprisals. It is a model which is highly alienated to its proponents. Apart from dilly dallying around it by roping in Mama mboga , jamaa wa mkokoteni , jamaa wa boda boda etc , it has nothing else. It is just aimed at creating a false Economic consciousness. Period!!!!
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