It is said , the most juicy thing with history is that , it helps understand to learn where we have come from , relate it with the present and predict the future. That's why , great leaders who have ever ruled mankind said they , it is very sad if we fail to learn from our history. They also continue saying , those who are afraid of learning or unearthing their Country's history have something to hide. Their closets are full of stinking skeletons. Yes!!! That's because , history vindicates them in a bit way. Again , we cannot Photoshop our Country's history. Allow me to take you down the annals of history. In 2007/08 , Kenya was stinking with blood and decomposing corpses after the genocidal type of post election violence ( PEV). It was the most darkest period in the history of this Country.
Kenya attracted the attention of the whole World. We were going the Rwanda way after politics divided this country from the middle. Good that there peace at last. We will never forget and that's why , we can't afford to take that route come August 9th. All we should be rooting for is peace after the general elections. Peace that surpasses any human understanding. The grand coalition came into place after peace was brokered between the late President Mwai Kibaki and his political arch rival Raila Odinga.
To solve some of the issues that had precipitated the PEV besides the disputed presidential vote , the issue of boundaries in KENYA'S Constituencies cropped up. The 2009 census results necessitated President Mwai Kibaki to act swiftly. Electoral commission of Kenya had been disbanded and an interim Independent and Electoral commission ( IIEC) was in place. President Kibaki together with Prime Minister Raila Odinga tasked Planner Andrew Ligale and a contingent of professionals especially surveyors. An Interim Independent Boundaries Review Commission ( IIBRC) was set up. Their functions was one , to review the Constituencies boundaries and come up with new ones based on the 2009 census results.
What happened in Uasin Gishu District by then is what shocked many. The Ligale commission was making town meetings inorder to receive opinion from the locals on what they wanted. The then Eldoret North MP William Ruto was very critical of having a Constituency in the in Eldoret Town. Uasin Gishu is a cosmopolitan County. The highest population being the Kalenjins who are the natives , followed by Kikuyus. There are also other communities especially Luos , Gusii , Kamba , Masaai etc. The Kikuyus in Eldoret Town were of the opinion that , Eldoret municipality be hived to create Eldoret Town Constituency. This is where hell broke loose. Ruto led a battalion of Kalenjin elders , business men and women and other locals in opposing the move. The reason was that , if that suggestion was implemented , then , Kikuyus who were the majority in the Eldoret Town and its environs, would have easily elected a member of Parliament from their own. It would be have been difficult for the Kalenjins to clinch that seat.
Someone couldn't have imagine , an ethnic community he had loathed since his heydays in the YK 92 would have given a space to participate in elective politics this time , having their own as an aspirant. The hypocrisy that has been manifesting itself stinks to the high heaven. Even with the highest population quota in that County , GEMA nation still gets the short end of the stick. They are always monitored closely especially on political matters. On Economic ones , they are always harassed from right , left and centre. In diaspora , they are mistreated yet , one of the kinsman from that region has been making inroads in Mt Kenya region masquerading how he loves them. Savage!!! Danger is lurking AHEAD.
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