PLATO was a Greece political philosopher and thinker. He is among the founding fathers of political theory which is taught all over the world and have shaped both the leaders , Society , States and the academia. PLATO was born in Athens in ( 427 - 387 BC) and his works are still relevant to date. He is a philosopher who took his time to study the society and the State in deep. Today , I will delve on the 3 stratagems that Plato placed the society. He dissected the three types of people in the society and when you look around ,to date , they still exist all over the world especially in Political set up. They are ; the Artisans , the Auxiliaries and thr philosopher-Kings. I will dissect each of them in deep.
Firstly , the Artisans are the producers. They are the " ordinary Wanjiku" making the base of thr society , providing a huge market for goods and services in an economy. In Kenya , the contemporary name they bestowed with is the name " hustlers" in reference to that category. They are the majority in the Country and belong to the lower cluster of the society. A faulty economic system has an assymmetrical effect on the Artisan category because they always rely on the day to day earnings from micro enterprises for a living. In Austrian Neurologist Sigmund Freud categorization , this group of people is driven by the id. They are concerned about the current affairs and are driven by the appetites and desires. They are always instinctive and will often act on what they see and feel. They often coalesce around politicians for handouts and also follow religion in a dogmatic way in churches and other worship centres with hope of eradicating their Economic woes and have an automatic Economic liberation that will improve their standards of living.
The Artisans are always gullible to scums and politicians who take advantage of their woes but offer little or no solutions to their problems. This category is incapable of thinking both analytically and strategically but they are the key drivers of the economy. When adequately empowered , the economy will flourish. What is more interesting is that , politicians target this group of people. Most of them especially in Kenya lives in Eastlands especially in Nairobi. Political rallies take place every now and then and they will always be available even if the rally takes place in a week day. This are the people off late the politicians who have been hoping from one political party to the other have said saying , " ground iliwaambia" the ordinary citizens urged them to shift their political alliegance from point A to B.
The Artisans also are the hoi polloi who presidential aspirants are targeting with juicy Economic promises. Some are viable and realistically but others are unrealistic. Artisans are always gullible and thr political elites knows that. They will convince them , especially crooked political elites who are grappling with Economic crimes that they are being targeted by the government. This is the category of people who will elect leaders with unquestionable characters to cry later after Elections that they made a bad decision. This very category swim with the euphoria and that's where all their problem stems from.
The second class is as put forward by Plato is that of Auxiliaries. They are the spirited element that is advanced in their thinking compared with the Artisans. They are courageous and brave to protect and defend the State. They may not have the moral compass , and therefore , have to be guided by a superior. In the contemporary setting , these are the middle class. The administrators , managers , accountants , teachers , Lawyers etc . In Freudian reasoning , they are driven by the ego. They are always sandwiched between the Artisans and the philosopher kings. They are expected to follow the orders of the philosopher kings and ensures that thr appetites of thr Artisans are managed. The Auxiliaries are tur employers of the Artisans. They thrive whenever the economy is thriving and so , it is in their best interests to keep the Artisans safe.
This category of people are also funny because, they behave to be the greatest opinion shapers in the society and especially in Political matters. They strive very hard to impose their influence on the Artisans but find it hard because most of them , though they have huge financial and Economic muscles , they lack the charisma , acumen and aura. The most disheartening thing is that , they allow the Artisans to make Political decisions on their behalf especially during voting. This are the people who constitute the highest number of people who don't vote. Come August 9th general elections , they will give the polling stations a wide berth yet , that day , it will be a public holiday. They are very ignorant on matters making wise and sound political decisions.
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The political elites , the police and the military lies in this category. The police are said to maintain law and order but in real sense , they are supposed to protect the philosopher kings from the other two categories especially the Artisans. The most funny thing , there exist a symbiotic relationship between them and the Artisans. The philosopher-kings have a soft spot for the Auxiliaries but it always becomes tight after the general elections. As at now , the philosopher-kings are keeping the Auxiliaries too close especially when giving technical support. As we speak , there is a close relationship between the philosopher kings and the Artisans especially during this campaign periods. The king's will lower themselves to the level of thinking and living to that of the Artisans. Immediately after the elections , each category gets back to factory settings and the Artisans starts attacking both the Auxiliaries and thr philosopher-Kings and more specific , those who bears the heaviest brunt are the kings and in defense , they use violence against the Artisans.
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