Deputy President William Kipchirchir Arap Ruto is a very cunning political animal. Cunning is the word in this context not wisdom. He can do anything to remain afloat POLITICALLY and also , a go getter. He only needs a fault line and he will make a monumental gap from it. Where , he will accommodate himself without any qualms. Ruto's star started to rise when he found himself in the ruthless and militia type Youth for KANU of 1992 popularly known as YK 92. This atrocious group recked havoc to opposition figures who were opposing President Moi regime. If you have ever sat down with a victim of this group , you will feel the pain that the victims went through. Horrible!!!
It is there that he caught the attention of President Moi. In 1997 , Ruto had already cemented himself in KANU in a very cunning way. Former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo who was a lead member in that YK 92 cum militia group narrated in detail in an interview by one local TV station. During the 1997 general elections , Ruto trounced veteran Robert Chesire , MP Eldoret North and became the Member of Parliament. In summary , I mean Ruto is a schemer par excellence.
In Kenya Kwanza Alliance , the Mt Kenya region has no deal. Yes!!! No deal even after camping in this region for almost 10 years now. In the pre-coalition agreement deposited with the office of the registrar of Political Parties , the other two principals , that is , Musalia Mudavadi ( ANC) and Moses Wetangula ( Ford Kenya) will get 30% of government and State positions in an event Kenya Kwanza Alliance manages to for the government come August 9th. So , the two leaders join the alliance in the wee hours and have managed to get a juicy deal , what about Mt Kenya region? Is there any deal? The answer is NO.
Ruto has managed to hoodwink some of the politicians from Mt Kenya who portray themselves as political strategists and gurus in boardroom negotiations but they have been outsmarted. At first , their political parties were christened are tribal outfits , brief case parties and outfits ment to forment ethnic hatred and balkanization. Ruto rubbished them with utter contempt. For your information , it is not Ruto who went looking for them to convince them to join Kenya Kwanza Alliance but it is thr vice versa. It is them ( Kuria , Kabogo , Kiunjuri) etc who came looking for Ruto. The question is , how can Ruto enter into a deal with them yet , he is the one who is even making them Popular Politically in their own Mt Kenya region?
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This is someone who was caught in camera sometimes back saying , infact in verbatim, " Hakuna watu wako na shida na wa Kikuyu kama sisi wa Kalenjin. Tuko na shida kubwa , lakini ni vizuri ujue kutofautisha maneno. Uweke tofauti za kijamii kando utafute serikali kwanza , kwa sababu , hiyo serikali itakusaidia kutatua shida ulizo nazo."( If there are people who have problems with Kikuyus , it is us Kalenjins. We have a big problem but you need to differentiate issues. You first put aside ethnic differences , look for the government because , it is thr one which will help you solve those problems). Sad!!!!
With the 8.5 votes and the UDA euphoria that GEMA nation are being hoodwinked to sing and follow in a dogmatic matter. They will get the short end of the stick. They will be beggars in that Kenya Kwanza Alliance. The running mate they are salivating on , the occupant of that office will be humiliated right left and centre. It is hilarious to see , UDA will produce both a presidential candidate and a running mate yet they are in a coalition dubbed Kenya Kwanza Alliance. A sick Joke. If you ask politicians allied to Ruto who hail from Mt Kenya region , what's there for the region , they can't give you an answer. They only thing they console themselves is , Ruto atatupanga vizuri . Underline , Vizuri. Savage!!!!
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